Enjoy mental health musings, insights, tips and tools for this wild ride we call life.
Thanks for being here!

Where Do You Feel Community?
The other day, I walked into a restaurant here in Asheville, and standing in front of me in line was a new friend of mine.
We exchanged smiles, said hello, hugged, caught up briefly, and then went our separate ways.
This might seem like a small moment, but for me, it was monumental.
It was the first time since moving to Asheville back in June that something like this had happened—running into someone I know.
A historical moment, really.

5 Years Ago on New Years Eve My Life Changed
Five years ago, at 5:30 a.m. on New Year's Day 🎉 I drove home from a friend's house, my head spinning with ideas.
Long into the night, we had been deep in conversations about my childhood.
Though we’d known each other for years, I’d never shared those parts of my life with her—or with most people.
Luckily for me, she's a therapist, but unknown to me, she also specializes in the type of abuse I'd experienced.

A Special Holiday Note
I usually don’t send emails two weeks in a row, but on Christmas Eve, sitting in my best friend’s living room, surrounded by Christmas cheer, I felt moved to connect with you.
Earlier this week, I drove 8.5 hours through four different states—all the way to Cleveland, Ohio.
The journey was filled with beautiful landscapes: rolling hills, cozy farmhouses, snow-covered forests, and flowing rivers.

Why Awareness is Win (and How to Build it)
This past week, I had a rupture with someone I love.
It was hard—I could feel myself starting to spiral. I felt conflicted in my inner world, torn between wanting to show up for them and, pulling away, and shutting down.
But here’s the good news (yes, there is good news): I SAW what I was doing. I was aware of it!
And then afterwards, with a little space to sort through my feelings, I was able to come back and totally own my side of things.
I could apologize easily and explain what I was thinking, and how I was feeling, which created a beautiful repair.

What Does Survival Mode Look Like For You?
Last weekend, I had the honor of presenting at the 9th Annual Georgetown Day School Sexual Assault and Consent Summit—a conference created by high school students for their peers, parents, and educators.
How amazing is that?
Throughout the weekend, survivors shared powerful stories of healing and resilience, in a space was filled with openness and support. It was truly inspiring, and I’m so grateful to have been part of it.

Take Control in Uncertain Times
I have to admit—I’m exhausted. This past week has been a whirlwind of travel, celebrating beautiful moments of love, and facing the uncertainty of what’s next.
My mind’s been in overdrive, trying to “figure it all out,” wondering why things are as they are.
But here’s the truth:
things simply are as they are.

When Rest Beats Productivity
Tomorrow marks four weeks since Hurricane Helene hit Western North Carolina.
It’s hard to put into words how much has changed—not just in my life, but in the lives of thousands across the region.
For three weeks, I was out of my home, out of routine, and completely out of sorts. The first two weeks, it made sense that I wasn’t as productive as usual.

Grateful to be Safe, but the Journey’s Far From Over
Wow, I honestly don’t know where to begin.
First, I just want to say how incredibly grateful I am to be alive, to have an intact home, and to now have basic electricity, water, and phone service.
Because for so many in my new hometown of Asheville, that is not the case.
You’ve probably seen the news about the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina.

I Blame Disney (and Trauma)
Have you ever wished for someone to swoop in, take control, and say, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this”?
Sounds pretty nice, right? 😏
But to the fiercely independent part of me—the one who loves solo travel, has explored all over and left home at 16—wanting to be rescued feels, well, kind of pathetic.
Yet, a very young part of me, probably the same part of me that was indoctrinated by Disney, has been searching for that rescuer my whole life.

What If You Embraced All Parts of Yourself?
I’ve been noticing a theme lately. I’ve noticed it in myself and it’s been coming up in conversations with friends and with clients.
It’s something that can really keep people stuck, but if you're able to gain some true acceptance and share what's happening, it has the potential to set you free.
What I’ve noticed is that a lot of us have a hard time accepting ourselves for who we are, right here, right now.
Like FULL acceptance – of ALL the parts.

The Guide I Wish I had When I was 22
My last year in college, my life fell apart. I was 22, barely speaking to my mom, my friends were mad at me, and my long-term boyfriend was ready to leave if things didn't change.
I was exhausted, got strep throat twice in one month, dealt with migraines, headaches, hypoglycemia, and destroyed the main tendon in my foot.
I think the Universe was trying to tell me something. 🤔
I needed to make some serious changes. Fast.

Manifestation: Neuroscience or Woo Woo?
Yesterday, I was chatting with a friend about manifesting, and I shared a little tip I use. She immediately said, "You need to make a video about that!" And I thought, "Yeah, I should make a video about that!"
So, I set out on a walk to make the video.
But just as I started, the clouds rolled in, the thunder roared, and I found myself drenched head to toe in a torrential downpour, a mile from home.
Needless to say, the video didn’t get made.
But I still wanted to share my tip with you!

All Humans Are Creative – Prove Me Wrong!
For the past five months, I've had the distinct pleasure of being a part of a creativity support group—or at least that's how I think about it 😂
This group, led by the magical Steph Dodds, meets three times per week to connect about creative projects and release any blocks we have to being our most amazing, brilliant selves.
Who wouldn't love a group like that?
As we go through this process of releasing blocks, we use a technique called tapping. I've written about tapping before (you can read the blog post here) because it's truly one of my favorite ways to process out the gunk that we humans seem to accumulate.

Navigating Life’s Transitions
If you read my last post, you’re aware that I’m in the midst of a hefty transition.
On June 1st, I embarked on a solo cross-country journey to establish a new home base in Asheville, North Carolina.
As I told one of my clients last week, “I’m feeling all the feelings on the feelings chart!”
All that to say, this is a great time to use my tools.
Tools, or coping skills, are designed to support you when you’re having a hard time, going through transitions, or just need a little extra support.

What’s Your Risky Risk?
This week, I did something risky. I loaded up my trusty Toyota Corolla with everything I own and started a solo journey across the United States.
My car was so packed there was barely space for me, let alone anyone else!
Right now, I'm in Colorado, having a great time catching up with old friends.
Soon, I'll be crossing Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and eventually reaching my destination: Asheville, North Carolina – my new home.

Roundabouts: Setbacks Along the Healing Journey
The other day, I was chatting with a friend who just returned from a trip to France. She said, “I think I’m now in love with roundabouts.”
She explained how seamless her driving experience was with less traffic and fewer stops at traffic lights. She found that, when done correctly, roundabouts can be really helpful and not as scary as we Americans tend to think.
I mean, how many times have you come to one and thought, “What if I get stuck and can’t get out?” I know I have!
The more I thought about this, the more I saw parallels between roundabouts and our own lives, especially on our healing journey.

Time to Step Over the Line
Have you ever had one of those moments where you think, "Did I really just do that?"
Maybe you blurted out something you shouldn't have, or acted in a way that wasn't exactly your finest hour.
Suddenly, that moment is playing on loop in your head, and you can't help but imagine all the ways you could have handled it better.
Ugh, it's like a bad movie that won't stop re-running!

Let Go of the Stinky Fish!
Last week, I was having a conversation with a client about—wait for it—feelings!
Shocking, right?
But it wasn't just about feelings; it was about the meaning we give them.
Here's some of what we discussed:
If I'm angry, it means I'm being mean.
If I'm sad, it means I did something wrong.
If I'm anxious, it means I shouldn't do it.
If I miss them, it means I made a mistake.
Sound familiar? We all do this.

Ever Wonder Who’s Really Driving Your Life?
For a moment, imagine someone really important to you.
You’d do pretty much anything for them, right? You worry about their health, help them when they need it - the whole nine yards.
That’s because you know them – their history, quirks, and all the little things that make them, them.
But what about the person living a few blocks away?
I’m sure you'd wish them the best, but it's not like you're going to lose sleep over their bad day. It’s not cold-hearted; it’s just how things are.
We're designed to care more about those we're close to.

Was My Inner Critic Really Ok with This?
You may have noticed the void last week – no regularly scheduled biweekly email. I can just picture you, waiting with bated breath, only to find... nothing.
Zip. Nada. Zilch.
But here’s the thing, it wasn’t an oversight or some crisis that kept me away. I just didn't do it.
Yep, you read that right.
Now, before you think I’ve given up or that I’m taking our connection lightly, let me explain.