Manifestation: Neuroscience or Woo Woo?
Yesterday, I was chatting with a friend about manifesting, and I shared a little tip I use. She immediately said, "You need to make a video about that!" And I thought, "Yeah, I should make a video about that!"
So, I set out on a walk to make the video.
But just as I started, the clouds rolled in, the thunder roared, and I found myself drenched head to toe in a torrential downpour, a mile from home.
Needless to say, the video didn’t get made.
But I still wanted to share my tip with you!
First off, if the word “manifest” makes you cringe, I get it. It’s not for everyone.
But you know what is for everyone? Neuroscience.
Lately, I’ve been following Dr. Tara Swart, a neuroscientist, MD, author, podcast host and speaker. She explains that the best way to “manifest” is by shifting how you feel about what you’re trying to bring into your life.
For example, if you want more money but feel stressed and worried every time you think about it, your brain associates money with those feelings.
However, if you feel excited, happy, and grateful when you think about money, your brain starts to associate money with those feelings.
Then, because your brain wants to maintain the status quo, it will start bringing in experiences to match whatever dominate feelings there are.
As a therapist, I learned that if you change your thoughts, you change your feelings, and when you change feelings, you change your actions.
When you change your actions, you change your life.
So, whether you call it manifestation or something else, what really matters is shifting your thoughts and feelings about what you want in life.
It’s about having your thoughts and feelings work for you, not against you.
Now, let me share my little trick that I’ve been doing for years. While I haven’t done a peer reviewed study on it or anything, it makes me feel better and I've seen results! Try it yourself!
Go for a walk.
Think of a short phrase about something you want to bring into your life. Maybe it’s a dollar amount per month, or a personality trait like more confidence.
Phrase it as if it’s already happening. For example, "I’m confident and secure."
Think the phrase in rhythm with your steps, saying each word with each step.
Repeat this for the entire walk.
This process is powerful for several reasons. First, you'll easily repeat the phrase hundreds of times during your walk, building new neurological pathways.
Plus, the walk gives you a natural endorphin rush and calms your nervous system, making the feelings related to your phrase even more positive and potent.
Keep this up, and you’ll start to notice shifts. You’ll begin embodying the walk of someone living out your phrase, meaning, you'll walk around as the person who believes what you're saying.
After awhile, it even becomes a fun musical montage – like that annoying jingle you can't get out of your head, but way better.
And, if you're someone who believes in putting things out into the Universe, then this has you covered!
Watch your feelings change, your thoughts change, and next thing you know, you'll be manifesting without even lifting a finger (just your feet).
Give it a shot! You have nothing to lose, except all the things you’d like to change in your life.
I look forward to hearing how it goes!